Platform/Style: Art/Drawing, variety, picturesChanges: PTE becomes an art blog
Extra: Instagram page for RO
"Images have been what set PTE apart, now it's time to go all in."

Tino & Tim
Platform/Style: Memes, titles + pictures/videosChanges: PTE themed around T&T
Extra: Comic strips of T&T Adventures
Tim:"RO has been misguided since the Internetwork days. How can you get famous without making the classics first?"
Tino:"Yeah, people want more Animanga-R!"
Tim:"Not what I'm referring to."

Business Penguin
Platform/Style: Self-Improvement & Inspirational, paragraphs, minimal picturesChanges: Removal of all pictures that aren't owned by PTE, potentially advertisements on PTE
Extra: BP Youtube Channel and/or animated shorts released on PTE
"I've seen PTE develop over time, and I think I can turn this thing into the business it should be."

Platform/Style: Music, variety, picturesChanges: More Features emphasizing a focus on music
Extra: More RO music creation, with releases posted on PTE
"Nothing brings people together like music. And PTE is a blog about keeping friends together, right?"

Platform/Style: Slice of life moments, variety, minimal picturesChanges: PTE turns purple
Extra: Removal of all RO content deemed 'Inappropriate'
"The best way to improve is less RO."

Platform/Style: Anything GoesChanges: PTE becomes experimental again
Extra: Mini-games and other content starring Jenny
"Here to take helm of PTE and Jenny content and bring them to the greatness they should be!"

Platform/Style: Sex & Love, paragraphs, maybe picturesChanges: PTE may become adult only
Extra: Unknown
"PTE with spice."

Platform/Style: Comedy, variety, all formatsChanges: Weather Feature added
Extra: FNWER returns to PTE
"I'll trade you oxygen for carbon dioxide. I'd like to see anyone else here do that."